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What is an agile story card?

Article originally published in November 2023 by Stuart Brameld. Most recent update in April 2024.

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Definition of an agile story card

An agile story card is a tool used in agile marketing to plan and manage work. It’s a simple, concise description of a feature or task from the customer’s perspective. The card typically includes the type of user, what they want and why they want it. This helps the team understand and prioritise the work, ensuring they deliver value to the customer quickly and efficiently.

Agile story cards are not just about listing tasks. They are about fostering collaboration and communication within the team. Each card is a conversation starter, encouraging team members to discuss the best way to deliver the desired outcome. The cards are also flexible. As the project evolves, cards can be added, removed or modified to reflect changes in the customer’s needs or business priorities. This adaptability is a key aspect of agile marketing, allowing teams to respond quickly to changes and seize new opportunities.

How does an agile story card work?

An agile story card works by providing a concise, user-focused description of a feature or requirement that the marketing team needs to implement. It typically includes a user role, a goal, and the benefit of achieving that goal. The card is used to facilitate discussion and collaboration within the team, allowing them to break down the task into manageable chunks, estimate the effort required, and prioritize it within the project. This approach ensures that the team remains focused on delivering value to the customer, and can adapt quickly to changes or new insights.

An example of an agile story card

Title: Improve User Onboarding Experience

As a new user,
I want to have a clear and engaging onboarding process,
So that I can understand how to use Growth Method’s services effectively and quickly.

Acceptance Criteria:

1. When I sign up, I should receive a welcome email with a brief overview of the services.
2. I should be guided through a step-by-step tutorial on how to use the main features.
3. The tutorial should be interactive and allow me to perform actions, not just watch.
4. I should have the option to skip the tutorial and return to it later.
5. I should be able to access a help centre or FAQ section for further assistance.

Consider using tooltips, video guides, and interactive demos for the tutorial. The onboarding process should be mobile-friendly.

Questions to ask yourself

As a modern growth marketing or agile marketing professional, ask yourself the following questions with regard to an agile story card:

  1. What is the specific goal or outcome that this agile story card is aiming to achieve?
  2. Who is the target audience for this particular story card and how will it benefit them?
  3. What metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) will be used to measure the success of this story card?
  4. What resources or tools are needed to effectively implement this story card?
  5. How does this story card align with the overall growth marketing strategy?

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Growth Method is the growth platform designed for experiment-led and data-driven marketers.

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