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What is an agile scrum board?

Article originally published in November 2023 by Stuart Brameld. Most recent update in April 2024.

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Definition of an agile scrum board

An agile scrum board is a visual tool that helps teams manage their work in a flexible and efficient way. It’s divided into different sections, usually ‘To Do’, ‘In Progress’, and ‘Done’, to track the progress of tasks. The team moves tasks, often written on sticky notes, across the board as they work on and complete them. This board is a key part of agile marketing, as it promotes transparency, encourages collaboration, and helps identify any bottlenecks in the process.

Agile scrum boards can be physical or digital, depending on the team’s preference. Physical boards are often found in office spaces, while digital versions are popular with remote teams. Each task on the board is assigned to a team member, ensuring accountability. The board’s visual nature allows everyone to see what’s happening at a glance, fostering a sense of shared responsibility. It’s a dynamic tool, with tasks added, moved or removed as priorities shift. This flexibility is a hallmark of agile marketing, enabling teams to respond quickly to changes in the business environment.

How does an agile scrum board work?

An agile scrum board works by providing a visual representation of the workflow, allowing marketers to track the progress of their projects. It is divided into different sections, typically “To Do”, “In Progress”, and “Done”, representing the stages of the project. Tasks or user stories are written on sticky notes or cards and moved across the board as they progress through the stages. This helps the team to identify bottlenecks, prioritize tasks, and manage their work more efficiently. The board is updated daily, promoting transparency and encouraging collaboration among team members.

An example of an agile scrum board

Scrum Board for Growth Method:

1. Backlog
2. To Do
3. In Progress
4. Testing
5. Done

– User registration feature
– Email notification system
– Data analytics dashboard
– Mobile app development
– Customer support chatbot

To Do:
– Implement two-factor authentication
– Develop API for third-party integrations
– Improve website load speed

In Progress:
– Redesign user interface
– Develop CRM integration

– Bug fixes in payment gateway
– Performance testing of new server

– Upgrade security protocols
– Implement SEO strategies
– Launch customer feedback system
– Optimize website for mobile devices
– Develop and launch referral programme

Questions to ask yourself

As a modern growth marketing or agile marketing professional, ask yourself the following questions with regard to an agile scrum board:

  1. Is the agile scrum board clearly visible and accessible to all team members?
  2. Are the tasks on the board broken down into manageable chunks that can be completed within a sprint?
  3. Is the progress of each task updated regularly and accurately reflected on the board?
  4. Does the board effectively facilitate communication and collaboration among team members?
  5. Is the board helping to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement in our marketing processes?

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Growth Method is the growth platform designed for experiment-led and data-driven marketers.

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