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What is an agile sprint board?

Article originally published in November 2023 by Stuart Brameld. Most recent update in April 2024.

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Definition of an agile sprint board

An agile sprint board is a visual tool used in agile marketing to organise and track the progress of tasks within a specific time frame, known as a ‘sprint’. It’s divided into different sections, typically ‘To Do’, ‘In Progress’, and ‘Done’, and tasks are moved across these sections as they progress. This board helps teams to stay focused, manage their workload effectively, and quickly identify any bottlenecks or issues.

An agile sprint board can be physical, like a whiteboard with sticky notes, or digital, using software tools. Each task on the board is represented by a card, which includes details like the task owner, deadline, and any relevant notes. The board is updated daily, often during a meeting called a ‘daily stand-up’, where team members discuss what they’ve completed, what they’re working on, and any obstacles they’re facing. This constant updating and communication ensures transparency and keeps everyone on the same page, promoting efficiency and productivity.

How does an agile sprint board work?

An agile sprint board works by providing a visual representation of the progress of a marketing project. It is divided into several columns, typically labeled as ‘To Do’, ‘In Progress’, and ‘Done’. Tasks or user stories are written on cards or sticky notes and placed in the appropriate column. As work progresses, the cards are moved from one column to the next. This allows the marketing team to see at a glance what work has been completed, what is currently being worked on, and what still needs to be done. It also helps in identifying any bottlenecks or issues in the workflow. The agile sprint board is a key tool in agile project management, promoting transparency, collaboration, and efficiency.

An example of an agile sprint board

Sprint Board for Growth Method:

Column 1 – Backlog:
1. Research and identify target audience for new feature X
2. Develop a marketing strategy for feature X
3. Create a social media campaign for feature X
4. Develop an email marketing campaign for feature X
5. Analyse the performance of feature X’s marketing campaigns

Column 2 – To Do:
1. Develop a blog post to introduce feature X
2. Create a video tutorial for feature X
3. Plan a webinar to showcase feature X

Column 3 – In Progress:
1. Design a landing page for feature X
2. Develop a customer feedback survey for feature X

Column 4 – Testing:
1. Test the landing page for feature X
2. Test the customer feedback survey for feature X

Column 5 – Done:
1. Finalise the marketing budget for feature X
2. Launch the landing page for feature X
3. Send out the first email marketing campaign for feature X
4. Post the first social media campaign for feature X
5. Analyse the initial performance of feature X’s marketing campaigns.

Questions to ask yourself

As a modern growth marketing or agile marketing professional, ask yourself the following questions with regard to an agile sprint board:

  1. What are the key tasks that need to be completed in this sprint and are they clearly defined on the board?
  2. Are the tasks prioritised correctly, ensuring the most important tasks are tackled first?
  3. Is there a clear understanding of who is responsible for each task and is this reflected on the board?
  4. Are there any bottlenecks or obstacles that could hinder the progress of the sprint and how can these be addressed?
  5. Is there a system in place to track the progress of tasks and is this visible on the board?

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Growth Method is the growth platform designed for experiment-led and data-driven marketers.

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