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What is the rule of 7?

Article originally published in June 2023 by Stuart Brameld. Most recent update in April 2024.

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Definition of the rule of 7

The Rule of 7 is a marketing principle that suggests a potential customer needs to encounter a brand’s message at least seven times before they take action and make a purchase. This concept emphasizes the importance of consistent and repeated exposure to a brand’s marketing efforts, as it helps build familiarity, trust, and ultimately, influences the consumer’s decision-making process. For marketers, the Rule of 7 serves as a reminder to create a well-rounded marketing strategy that utilizes multiple channels and touchpoints to effectively reach and engage their target audience.

An example of the rule of 7

Here is an example of how it works:

Growth Method, a SaaS company, wants to increase its customer base and decides to implement the Rule of 7 in its marketing strategy. They create a 7-week campaign with the following touchpoints:

1. Week 1: Send an email to potential customers introducing Growth Method and its benefits.
2. Week 2: Share a blog post on social media platforms discussing how Growth Method can help businesses grow.
3. Week 3: Run targeted Google Ads promoting a free trial of Growth Method.
4. Week 4: Publish a case study on their website showcasing a successful client who used Growth Method.
5. Week 5: Host a webinar demonstrating the features and capabilities of Growth Method.
6. Week 6: Send a follow-up email to potential customers with a limited-time discount offer for Growth Method.
7. Week 7: Share customer testimonials on social media platforms, highlighting the positive experiences of Growth Method users.

By the end of the 7-week campaign, potential customers have been exposed to Growth Method’s messaging seven times, increasing the likelihood of them becoming paying customers.

How does the rule of 7 work?

The rule of 7 works by emphasising the importance of repeated exposure to a brand or message in order to create a lasting impression on potential customers. According to this marketing principle, a consumer needs to encounter a brand’s message at least seven times before they take action and make a purchase. This repetition helps to build familiarity and trust, making it more likely that the consumer will choose the advertised product or service when they are ready to buy. Marketers can apply the rule of 7 by utilising various channels and tactics, such as social media, email marketing, and targeted advertising, to consistently reach their target audience and reinforce their brand message.

Expert opinions and perspectives

Here are how some of the world’s best marketing and growth professionals think about the rule of 7.

  • “The Rule of Seven is an old marketing adage. It says that a prospect needs to see or hear your marketing message at least seven times before they take action and buy from you.” – Dr. Jeffrey Lant
  • “The Rule of 7 is a marketing principle that states that your prospects need to come across your offer at least seven times before they really notice it and start to take action.” – Chet Holmes
  • “The Rule of 7 is a reminder that in a cluttered world, it takes persistence and creativity to break through the noise and make an impact on your audience.” – Joe Pulizzi

Questions to ask yourself

As a modern growth marketing or agile marketing professional, ask yourself the following questions with regard to the rule of 7:

  1. Am I utilising a diverse range of marketing channels to reach my target audience at least seven times?
  2. How can I create a consistent and memorable brand message across all touch points to reinforce the rule of 7?
  3. What metrics can I track to measure the effectiveness of my marketing efforts in achieving the rule of 7?
  4. How can I optimise my marketing budget to ensure I am reaching my audience multiple times without overspending?
  5. What strategies can I implement to keep my audience engaged and interested throughout the seven touch points?

Additional reading

Here are some related articles and further reading around the rule of 7 that you may find helpful.

  1. The Rule of 7: What It Means for Your Marketing Strategy
  2. Finding Brand Success In The Digital World

See how this topic is trending on Google Trends here: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=retargeting

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